So just about a month ago I started my new job. As my new job is a front line support role for operations at a 24/7 plant, it was suggested that I try to work the night shift for a few days to meet the folks that only work the night shift. Last week (Tues-Thurs) I worked the 12 hour night shift.
I was initially extremely nervous. Nervous about being able to stay awake until at least 6am, nervous about meeting so many new people, nervous about not knowing enough about the process and looking stupid. Monday night I drank a cup of coffee around 10pm and stayed awake until 4am hoping that would help with sleeping in later and staying up later. Tuesday I drove to work as everyone else was headed home (~5:30pm). Unfortunately Rob, my husband, wasn't home from work when I had to leave to drive in. We went from Tues to Friday seeing each other for only a few moments.
When I got to work Tuesday night I met the operators and supervisors and started a wonderful journey. I should not have been nervous at all. The people were wonderful, kept me laughing and talking through the night which made it easy to stay awake. They taught me so much about the company and the process I support. I even got proposed to by one guy who is probably 20+ years my senior after he learned I was a golfer, enjoyed football and brewed beer. I was quick to tell him I had just gotten married which then was part of the story that was told on the next two nights to the operators that were present on the first day.
I will say that working night shift had its advantages. It was nice not waking up to an alarm clock since I just slept until I was ready to get up. It was nice not having to go to so many meetings and dedicate the time to meeting people and learning how the process is run. It was nice having the extra days off. There were disadvantages too of course. Not seeing Rob was the biggest one. Also it was pretty annoying waking up at noon-1pm and realizing I only had a few hours before having to turn around to go back to work. It was amazing to think that so many people do this 12 hour night shift all their life. And all though they are supposed to work 3 days and then have 3 days off, they are often doing a day or two of overtime each week. The other thing that was amazing was that the majority of the people in the plant do a swing shift. So they work 12 hours 6am to 6pm for 3 days, then have 3 days off, then switch to 12 hours 6pm to 6am for 3 days, then have 3 days off. I can't imagine how they get used to working that schedule.
Thanks to all the welcoming folks that had me laughing, learning and really enjoying my three nights of work!