Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Headed to Brazil!!!

I booked my flights to Brazil today for my trip in early November.  You may be thinking...why are you going to Brazil?  Well at the end of 2010, the company I work for announced that they were starting a new volunteer opportunity.  They started a program working with Cross Cultural Solutions ( to send 200 people on 2 week volunteer trips all over the world.

Out of the 1800 people that applied for the opportunity, I was one of the fortunate ones to be selected as an ambassador for 2011.  The company is sending groups of ~8-10 people to a specific location at a time.  I am in the group of 8 that will be headed to Salvador, Brazil in November.  There will be a total of 4 groups going to Salvador, with other groups heading to India, Tanzania, Ghana, Peru, China, Russia, Thailand, etc.

Salvador is the third largest city in Brazil.  It is located along the Atlantic coast in the Bahia region north of Rio de Janeiro by about 1000 miles.  The city was founded in 1549 and was the first capital of Brazil, until the capital was moved to Rio in 1763.  Salvador has a rich African culture, which according to the guide books is evident by the music, dance and capoeira.

I will definitely be sharing more about Salvador in upcoming blogs before I go, potentially while I am there, and after I return to the US.  

Until then.....boa noite (boh-uh noyt)!  ((Goodnight in Portuguese))

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