Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Copenhagen Denmark will be one of the stops on Rob's and my upcoming vacation (our honeymoon!).  I have been reading several travel books and found the following some fun information to pass on about Copenhagen:
  • Copenhagen is the largest city and capital in Denmark with a population of ~1million.
  • The currency in Denmark is the Danish Kroner (kr). 5kr is ~$1.
  • One of Denmark’s top exports is pharmaceuticals.
  • Denmark is approximately twice the size of Massachusetts
  • The Danish language has three extra vowels.  Sorry I don't have them on my keyboard and don't know how to easily add them for you to see.
  • Copenhagen is 6 hours ahead of EST.
  • Noteables - Hans Christian Andersen is a Dane, Carlsberg Brewery was started in Copenhagen.
We fly into Copenhagen and will have less than a day to explore.  I am thinking we will be pretty tired after our transatlantic flight, but I am hoping we will have the chance to spend some time seeing Trivoli Gardens, walk the Stroget pedestrian street, potentially see Carlsberg Brewery and the Little Mermaid Site and definitely sample some "Danishes" or known in Denmark as wienerbrod,

I'll make sure to share more about Copenhagen (along with pictures) after our trip.

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