Thursday, June 16, 2011

The End of a Chapter

I have known that this time was coming for a few months now, but it finally hit me when driving home tonight that I only have 1.5 weeks left in my current job. After working ~7.5 years in an analytical lab at Lilly, I will be moving to a job at a manufacturing site. Although my job has changed over the past 7.5 years, there have been many similarities, and I worked with or around the same people. It is very exciting to have a change like this, but also very sad to be leaving such great people.  I will miss having the occassional coffee with a colleague in the morning in the next building over.  I will miss the conversations with my cube-mate, hearing how his two sons are doing, how the trip to Kings Island went, or the Mini Marathon training is going.  I'll miss lunches in the cafeteria with colleagues, waving hello to others that I have met over the years and work in the buildings near by, or seeing people in the hallways that you don't know their name but they always smile when you pass on the way to the bathroom.

I will go from being a supervisor to an individual contributor. From working in the lab to working in the plant. From working on any of the Lilly products (including Animal health) to working on just 1.

So many questions are running in my head. The big one of course is…is the grass really greener on the other side? Will my new team be as fun to work with as my old team? Will my boss be as good as my old boss? What will the new frustrations be? What will the new excitements be? Will the hours be better or worse? Will I learn the new job quickly enough?

It will be an interesting adventure over the next few months.  I'm sure I will have some good stories to share. 

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