Sunday, June 26, 2011

"The Help"

I just finished reading an amazing book titled "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.  My grandma passed this book on to me back in April and when I finally picked it up to read last week, it only took a few days to finish the entire 400+ pages.

The book really made me think...was it really like that in Mississippi in the 1960/1970s?  Having been born in 1980 and lived my entire life in the north, it is something we only heard about in history class.  And when you learn about something in history seems so far removed both in time and location to you.  It is appalling to think that people really acted that ways towards others, but then I think about how we are not really that different today with how people act towards people that are different than them, whether it be race, gender, religion or sexuality.

I applaud the author for putting together such a great book.  I hope myself and others that read it, take away the challenge to ensure that we treat people who are different from us with the same respect that we deserve ourselves.  Maybe my grandkids will read about how life was in 2010s someday and say "was that really how they acted? I am glad times have changed."

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