Monday, November 14, 2011

Hot and Humid

It is Monday night and today we had sunshine for the first time in Salvador since the first weekend we arrived.  It gets very hot and humid here in the sunshine and we were told by Bruno that this is nothing compared to what it will get in a month or two (summer).  We went back to Madre Teresa today.  Since tomorrow is a holiday less kids were at the home.  I worked with the ladies doing the normal routine of feeding Anita, cleaning up after breakfast and getting ready for an activity.  Today's activity was beaded bracelets and necklaces.  I think the ladies had a good time....I sure did!

This afternoon we had another tour of the city.  This time we went to a tile shop, had ice cream, went to Bomfim Church and a Fort.  Bomfim Church is a famous church in Salvador.  People come to pray for cures, wishes such as to be married, etc.  Colorful ribbons that say "Lembranca do Senhor do Bomfim da Bahia" are tied to all of the fences around the church and people sell them for you tie on your wrist.  Each color represents an Orixa.  When you get a ribbon, you have a friend tie it on your wrist using 3 knots.  Each knot represents a wish.  When the ribbon eventually falls off, it is said that your 3 wishes will come true.  We each got some ribbons.  I choose blue and orange to respesent several things (Syracuse for my family, and the Blue Cats for Rob).

During our drive we saw the favelas along the water. It is a very pretty site.  Bruno explained that Favela means to live on a hill.  So we have been using the term wrong.  The tiled exterior walls, colorful painted stucco, and decorative iron gates and window coverings are very beautiful to me.  Here are just some of the views we saw today:

We had capoeria and samba lessons today as well, which has left me very tired.  Tomorrow is a holiday here in Brazil, Proclaimation of the Republic.  Therefore we are not going to our placements.  Instead several of us have bought tickets to tour 2 nearby islands.  Then we hope to see the drummers in the streets of Pelourinho.  


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