Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ter um bom tempo em Salvador (Having a good time in Salvador)

Day 2 -
Today was Orientation day.  We met as a group, there are 10 of us that started today.  Seven of us are from Lilly, one lady is from South Carolina, another lady works for CCS and just started as the specialist for Brazil, and there is a guy who will be here for 12 weeks.  We learned more about our placements, talked a little about the city and what our activities will be over the next week.  We then had our first Portuguese lesson.  There are 3 others that are here at CCS Brazil, they all started 4 weeks ago and will be here for varying amounts of time.

The ten newbies then walked down to the beach.  We went to the beach from yesterday but then continued to walk to the Atlantic side of the peninsula, seeing a lighthouse at Farol da Barra.  The scenery is absolutely breathtaking.

Tonight a group of us is headed to a Camdomble ceremony.  Camdomble is a Afro-Brazilian religion.  There are 365 Catholic churches here in Salvador, but there are over 1000 Camdomble temples in the city.   I will definitely have to post more after attending the ceremony. I think it will be an eye opening experience.

Here are some pictures from the day:


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